SELECT * FROM BPS_Patients WHERE StatusText = 'Active' AND EXISTS ( SELECT VISITS.INTERNALID , COUNT(*) FROM VISITS INNER JOIN VISITTYPE ON VISITTYPE.VISITCODE = VISITS.VISITCODE WHERE VISITS.RECORDSTATUS = 1 AND VISITS.INTERNALID = BPS_Patients.InternalID AND VISITS.VISITDATE >= DATEADD(MONTH,-24,GETDATE()) -- Last 24 months AND VISITTYPE.VisitType in ('Surgery', 'Home', 'RACF') -- Face to face Visit Types GROUP BY VISITS.INTERNALID HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2 -- Having 2 or more visits ) ORDER BY SURNAME,FIRSTNAME -- Search for active patients using the definition '2 Face to face visits within 24 months' -- Change the HAVING COUNT(*) >= value to change the number of visits (default is 2).