SELECT * FROM BPS_Patients WHERE StatusText = 'Active' AND DOB < DateAdd(Year, -75, GetDate()) -- put '--' in front of this line to remove age from search AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT EPCREPORTS.INTERNALID , COUNT(*) FROM EPCREPORTS WHERE EPCREPORTS.RECORDSTATUS = 1 AND EPCREPORTS.INTERNALID = BPS_Patients.InternalID AND REPORTTYPE = 2 -- GPMP review AND REPORTDATE >= DATEADD(MONTH, -12, GETDATE()) -- Last 12 months GROUP BY EPCREPORTS.INTERNALID HAVING COUNT(*) >= 1 -- Having 1 or more visits ) ORDER BY SURNAME,FIRSTNAME -- Patients over 75 who haven't had care plan (GPMP) in last 12 months