SELECT * FROM BPS_Patients WHERE StatusText = 'Active' AND EXISTS ( SELECT INVOICES.INVOICEID, INVOICES.INTERNALID, COUNT(*) FROM INVOICES INNER JOIN SERVICES item1 ON INVOICES.INVOICEID = item1.INVOICEID INNER JOIN SERVICES item2 ON INVOICES.INVOICEID = item2.INVOICEID WHERE INVOICES.recordstatus=1 AND INVOICES.INTERNALID = BPS_Patients.InternalID AND item1.recordstatus=1 AND item1.SERVICESTATUS in (0,2) AND item2.recordstatus=1 AND item2.SERVICESTATUS in (0,2) AND item1.MBSITEM IN (701, 703, 705, 707) -- chronic disease management items AND item2.MBSITEM IN (10997) -- telehealth AND item1.ServiceDate >= DATEADD(MONTH, -6, GETDATE()) -- Billed from 6 months ago GROUP BY INVOICES.INVOICEID, INVOICES.INTERNALID HAVING COUNT(*) >= 1 -- Having 1 or more combination of items ) ORDER BY SURNAME,FIRSTNAME -- Search for chronic disease management items (721, 723, 732, 731) and relevant telehealth, like 10997, on same invoice, by item numbers