Provider Availability

Real-time updates to calendar availability made in Bp Premier will flow through automatically to Best Health Booking and the options shown when patients are booking online, but only for changes made within a provider's defined sessions.

The right-click context menu option to make an appointment Available or Unavailable will not flow through to Best Health if the change is made outside of any session.

In the example below, both providers have sessions that start at 8:00am. An appointment at 7:55am is being converted to Available through the right-click menu. This slot's availability update will not flow through to Best Health (this slot will not become available for anyone booking an appointment for this provider online).

However, if the appointment slot from 8:10am to 9:10am were made unavailable, for example, this period is within the provider's defined sessions and would flow through to Best Health, removing this slot from online booking.

If a provider often has such changes made to their availability, you can update a provider's session times so that changes will flow through to Best Health (starting a session earlier or later, for example).

Last updated 30 November 2022