Prepare Bp Premier for Online Booking

While there is very little to install to set up Best Health Booking, some user permissions and appointment book settings must be configured in Bp Premier.

1. Check your Bp Premier version

The recommended Bp Premier version is Orchid SP1 Rev 1. If you are running version Saffron, you'll also need to install Site Manager. To check your version, select Help > About from the Bp Premier menu.

Download the latest version of Bp Premier here.

2. Update practice policies on consent

If you are using Bp Comms, you will have already considered patient consent to receive communications from your practice about clinical and appointment reminders, health information of interest to the patient, and campaigns from your practice. If online booking is new at your practice, you may wish to upgrade your practice policies on consent to include online booking communications.

3. Designate one or more PrOS administrators

To allow users to set up online bookings in PrOS, ensure that at least one user in Bp Premier has the User Permission 'Setup/Configuration' is set to Add/Edit/Delete for all relevant users.

Grant one user permission to edit Setup and Configuration in Bp Premier

Staff that need access to configure online bookings will need a Best Practice ID account to sign into the PROS website.

Best Practice Software Support will send an invite to the email you want to use to set up your Best Practice ID user account. This email will become your username. Use this username with your Bp Premier account password to login to the PrOS website.

You will need the email address for the user and their Bp Premier password to log in to the PrOS portal.

The user's email address in Bp Premier is needed to log in to PrOS.

Password complexity

Your Best Practice ID password must meet minimum complexity requirements. Your password must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be between 8 and 20 characters
  • Spaces are not permitted
  • Must contain at least one digit
  • Must contain at least one special character (from the following set: !@#$%^&*).

If you find PrOS consistently rejects user passwords, you could try enabling Strong password complexity in Setup > Configuration > Security to enforce minimum password complexity.

NOTE  The Strong password complexity option will be enforced for all Bp Premier users. You should communicate this change to all practice staff if you enable this option.

4. Enrol in the Best Health App

The Best Health App is not mandatory for online booking.

You may also choose to offer the Best Health App as an option for patients to book online and manage communications with your practice, if you aren't using the app already. Contact the Best Health Booking Sales team for more information on enrolling your practice in the Best Health App.

You are now ready to log in to PrOS and set up online booking for your practice.

Last updated 19 March 2024