Set up Argus

Argus is a secure messaging system available from Telstra Health.

Bp Allied V7 and later is compatible with V6 or V7 of Argus.

Set up Argus

  1. Open System > Options > Secure Messaging.
  2. In the Argus Connect tab, check the Active tickbox.
  3. The options highlighted in RED will be supplied by Argus:
  • Site Name
  • Argus Client Username – for hosted customers this will not be the default
  • Argus Client Password – for hosted customers this will not be the default
  • Argus Server Port – the default is 60000.

The options highlighted in GREEN will be supplied by Bp Allied:

  • Argus Server Hostname

For a local (non-hosted install) this is set to ‘localhost’

For a hosted subscription install this is set to ''

  • Incoming Message Folder is a drive mapped to the secured location set-up by Telstra Health (in most cases).

For Bp Allied hosted subscription customers this will be location supplied by Bp Allied support, e.g. \\mpargus\[customername$]

  1. Once details are entered, click Apply.
  2. Click Test Connection.
  3. Click OK.

Set up Referrers

Each potential Recipient must be listed in the Data Maintenance > Referrers section with the following information set:

  • Set the Secure Messaging Provider = A.
  • Attach the relevant Argus Email Address to their record.
  • Argus can be searched in the Referrers screen for the Argus Email address and imported.

  • First Name
  • Last name
  • Address, including Suburb and Postcode
  • Provider number.

Each Client must have a Practitioner Assigned.  Bp Allied will send any Letters/Reports for that Client based on the assigned Practitioners account. We cannot send a letter/report for a Client without identifying the Practitioner who is treating the Client.