The Audit Log displays the actions taken against a specific clients details for a specified period of time.
It is available from System > Audit Log
 Date Selection
Select the time period for the actions to be displayed.
 The longer the period of time chosen, the longer it will take for the records to display.
Click Load to start the record search
 Results Pane
The Results Pane displays the results of the search.
The columns can be grouped and sorted in the usual way. This may be particularily useful if there are a large number of records in the results.
Audited Record
The field that was changed e.g. Address
The type of change made:
Insert e.g add a appointment row in the appointment table
Update e.g. change the value in a field
Delete e.g. delete an appointment which deletes a row in the appointment table
The date and time that the change was made
Property Name
The database field name
Original Value
What the field was originally
New Value
What the field was changed to
The person (login) that carried out the change.
Use the Close button or the top X to close the Window.