This view can be used to update a range of Client information in bulk. For example, SMS or Email reminder tick boxes.
 Choose Clients
Use this box to choose the Client List to display.
If Date Range is selected then the From and To date boxes will be enabled
Click Go to display the Client List
 Client List
The Client List shows the current information for the clients displayed. Any of these fields can be updated and saved using the Apply button.
 Show/Hide Autofilter Row
Tick to display the Filter row. This enables the displayed list to be manipulated, e.g. show only those clients whose SMS Reminder tick box is not checked.
See the details on how to use Filters in the Reports section.
Use Find to search for a specific value, e.g. a name
Print out the Client List results
 Export to Excel
Export the Client List Results
 Linked records
Show any records linked to the selected Client record
Click Ok to save and close the window
Click to canel and changes and close the window
Click to save any changes made but keep the window open.