Incoming SMS Replies Report
Incoming SMS replies received can be reviewed via this report even after they have been marked as Completed and removed from the Incoming Messages panel. Open the report from the Reminders section.

The Bp Allied Schedule must be installed and operating to use this feature.
 Date Range
Select the relevant date range
Click Go
 Search results - SMS's received
Results from the date range search.
The results show the Client that the SMS was from, date and time received, any text included in the message and the related appointment date.
If there is not Appointment Date, then the message was sent as an adhoc SMS not as an SMS Reminder.
 Group by
Use the group by options to arrange the search results if required.
Click Preview to view the report prior to printing.
Print the report
 Export to Excel
Export the report to excel
Save the report to your computer at the prompt.
Click Close to clsoe the report.