Medicare Auth Groups Report
The Medicare Auth Groups report displays the status of all Provider Number linked to an Auth Group (MinorID) in Bp Allied. If there are any issues with the provider numbers then this is displayed in the status field.
 Display Auth Groups
Click Display Auth Groups to find any Auth Groups and the related Provider ID's registered in Bp Allied
 Fix Issues
Use Fix Issues to fix any of the lines that come back with a status that is not OK.
The status options are:
Mismatch - Record is active in Bp Allied and inactive at or vice versa
Missing - Record is missing at
Duplicate - more than one record in Bp Allied for a Provider Number in an Auth Group
OK - Record is active in Bp Allied and active at
Use the Find field to search for a particular word within the report, i.e. to find a particular item
 Filter Row
Allows you to filter the results if required
 Search Results
Shows the Providers that are assigned to an auth group and their status at
 Preview & Print
Preview or Print the results
 Output to Excel
Export the results to Excel
Close the report
 Collapse & Expand
Used to expand and collapse all the results.
 Show Medicare List
Used to display the list of Auth Groups and provider numbers as they stand at alongside what is found in Bp Allied. provide the Bp Allied Medicare services.