Practitioner Availability Menu Options
Once in the Practitioner Availability form there are several options available. This section details these options.
 Create New Appointment
Select New Appointment option to create a new availability timeslot within the calendar
This option can also be envoked by double-clicking on any timeslot within the Practitioner calendar
 Create New Recurring Appointment
Select New Recurring Appointment option to create a series of recurring availability timeslots within the calendar e.g. every tuesday
This option can also be envoked by double-clicking on any timeslot within the Practitioner calendar and selecting the Recurrance button
 Go to Today
Moves the visible calendar to Today
If the Week View is displayed then Today is highlighted
 Go to Date...
Displays the Go To Date form
Select the Date to go to from the Calendar drop down
Choose a view to Show In, if different from the current view
Click Ok
The date selected is displayed in the Practitioner Availability calendar in the view selected
 Change View to
Use the Change View To option to change the view of the Practitioner Availability schedule displayed