System Options

Allows access to system wide settings
System Options


1. MPSettings
Enables MPSettings.exe to be opened from the application.
BpAllied MUST be closed before any changes are made into MPSettings otherwise they will be overwritten.

Reindex Database

2. Reindex Database
Enables the database to be reindexed

Reset Layouts

3. Reset Layouts
Enables the screen layouts to be reset e.g appointment book and reports on the local computer only

System Requirements

4. System Requirements
This option can be used to review the current computer's requirements against those required to successfully run Bp Allied. Requirements will open in a web page. Note: the Server requirements are only applicable if the computer is running as a Server.

Low Graphics Mode

5. Low Graphics Mode
Especially designed for use with RDP or other remote connections where internet speed can affect the graphics display. Helps reduce mouse lag.