No results found
It looks like we couldn't find any results for your search. We're sorry about that. You could try tweaking your search.
Searching for error messages?
If you are looking for information on a specific error message that you’ve received in Bp Premier, check the Known Issues document to see if the error is already being worked on by Best Practice Software. You can press Ctrl+F in a browser or when reading a PDF to search for things.
Tweak your search term
Unfortunately, the knowledge base search engine does not yet support natural-language queries, such as 'How do I book an appointment?' or 'Where do I find who ordered pathology?'. A search restricted to just keywords may produce better results.
For example, instead of searching for 'How do I book an appointment?', try searching for:
- book or add appointment (match any keyword either side of 'or')
- book appointment (match all keywords in any order)
- "book an appointment" (match the exact phrase).
You can't use wildcard characters, such as '*' or '?', with the knowledge base. We hope to make wildcard searches available in a future version of the knowledge base.
Still no luck?
If you still can’t find any information in the Knowledge Base for the error, try the Bp Omni user forums. You will have to sign up if you haven’t already.
Best Practice Software tracks search terms that produce no results and regularly analyses the results to see what our users are looking for and constantly improve our knowledge base. Your query will be actioned! In the meantime, you can email our documentation team directly to tell us what information you're looking for, and we will incorporate your feedback into our search engine.