Disable Bp Comms for international mobile numbers

This article describes how to search for and disable Bp Comms for patients who have an international mobile number recorded in the demographic details.

What are the changes to international mobile numbers and Bp Comms?

Due to the diverse telecommunication legislation and policies enforced in various countries, Best Practice Software will restrict SMS communications sent via Bp Comms to Australian numbers only.

This update will be rolled out for all Bp Comms customers from 01 March 2025.

What happens if a Bp Comms SMS message is sent to an international mobile number after 01 March 2025?

If you send a Bp Comms SMS message to an international mobile number after 01 March 2025, the message will be sent and will incur a cost; however, the delivery report will show that the message was rejected.

What do we need to do?

Best Practice Software recommends that Bp Comms be disabled for each patient who has an international mobile number recorded in their demographic details in Bp Premier before 01 March 2025.

To disable Bp Comms for patients with international mobile numbers:

  1. Search for patients with an international mobile number in Bp Premier.
  2. Disable Bp Comms for patients with international mobile numbers.

Search for patients with an international mobile number

Best Practice Software has developed the following SQL query to help identify all patients in Bp Premier who have an international mobile number recorded in their demographic details and have Bp Comms enabled.

Run the database search query

  1. Select Utilities > Search from the main menu to view the Database Search screen.
  2. Select all of the default query text in the SQL Query text area and press Delete on your keyboard.
  3. The SQL Query window will be cleared.
  4. Copy and paste the following text into the SQL Query text field.
  5. SELECT *

    FROM BPS_Patients

    WHERE StatusText = 'Active'

    AND (LEN(MobilePhone) > 0 AND MobilePhone IS NOT NULL)

    AND NOT ((LEFT(MobilePhone, 2) = '04' OR LEFT(REPLACE(MobilePhone, ' ', ''), 4) = '+614'))

    AND InternalID IN (select InternalID from PATIENTCONSENT WHERE ENROLLEDSMS IN (1,2))

    ORDER BY surname, firstname

    -- Displays all patients in Bp Premier who have Bp Comms enabled and have an international mobile number recorded in their demographic details.

  6. Click Run query.

All matching patients who have 'Bp Comms enabled and an international mobile number recorded in their demographic details' will be displayed.

Save the database search query

  1. From the Database Search screen, click Save query.
  2. Choose the folder to save the script to and give the file a meaningful name.
  3. Select ‘SQL Query’ from the Save as type drop down list.
  4. Click Save.

Save results to a spreadsheet file

Once you have executed the query and obtained the results, you can save the results in a spreadsheet file for future reference.

  1. Run your query so the bottom half of the screen is populated with results.
  2. From the Database Search screen, select File > Save.
  3. Choose the folder to save the results to and give the file a meaningful name.
  4. Select ‘CSV File’ from the Save as type drop down list.
  5. Click Save.

Disable Bp Comms for patients with international mobile numbers

After running the database search query to find patients with ‘Bp Comms enabled and an international mobile number recorded in their demographic details’, you must manually disable the Bp Comms consent for each patient displayed in the search results.

  1. Search for the patient using any of the patient search methods: File > Open Patient, View > Patient, or press F2.
  2. Click View details to open the Patient details screen.
  3. Click Comms Consent on the right-hand side of the screen.
  4. The Comms Consent window will appear.
  5. Under Consent Status, click Disable.
  6. Click Yes to confirm that you wish to disable SMS for the patient.
  7. The SMS Consent status for the patient will be updated to Not Enabled.
  8. Click OK to return to the Edit Patient screen.
  9. Click Save to exit the Edit Patient screen.

Bp Comms has been disabled, and SMS messages will no longer be sent to the patient from Bp Premier.

Information correct at time of publishing (14 February 2025).