Set the default appointment length

This article covers the three places in Bp Premier where you can specify the length of an appointment in the appointment book.

Bp Premier has three places where you can set the length of an appointment in the appointment book:




Default Appointment book length

Setup > Configuration > Appointments > Appointment length

Sets the default granularity of the appointment book.

Default Appointment type length

Setup > Configuration > Lists > Appointment type

Appointment length for a defined appointment type.

Session appointment length

Setup > Sessions > Session details > Appointment length

Minimum appointment length defined in a doctor's or practice session.

Adjusting the first value has a flow-on effect on the appointment type and session appointment lengths. If you adjust any of these values, you must close and re-open the appointment book for the display to show the updated lengths. Best Practice Software recommend changing any of these values outside of normal business hours to avoid the impact on existing appointments.

If you are setting up a new user, including a 'virtual' user like a 'Vaccination appointments', user for grouping bookings, you can edit new user session appointment settings at any time. For more information on virtual users and setting appointment lengths, See Group Vaccine patients in the appointment book by user for more information.

Default appointment length

The value set in SetupConfigurationAppointmentsAppointment length sets the default 'granularity' of the appointment book, or the appointment length displayed in the Time column along the left hand side of the appointment book.

Set the appointment book default appointment length

The values shown in the drop down lists for appointment type and session appointment lengths will only ever be multiples of the value selected above.

Appointment type lengths

You can modify or create a new appointment type and set the length to be a multiple of the default appointment length in SetupConfiguration > ListsAppointment type.


In the following example, the default appointment length has been set to 15 minutes.

Set the appointment length for an appointment type

You cannot set an absolute value for an appointment type. You cannot modify the following system appointment types:

  • Standard Appointment — This is always set to 1 x the default appointment length.
  • Long Appointment — This is always set to 2 x the default appointment length.

If you modify the default appointment length after initial setup, all lengths set for appointment types will automatically adjust to the new value.


For example, say the default appointment length was 5 minutes, and the 'Excision' appointment type was set to 15 minutes (3 x default). If you updated the default appointment length to be 10 minutes, the Excision appointment type would automatically update to 30 minutes (3 x 10).

You can go back and change an appointment type's length to a smaller value if you need to.

Session appointment lengths

You can set the default appointment length for the practice and for individual provider's sessions in SetupSessionsSession detailsAppointment length.

Set the appointment length for a doctor's sessions

This value represents the 'minimum bookable time' for a provider for the defined session. For example, a doctor may see only patients in a particular demographic, or with a particular condition, one day a week, so he or she may set a greater minimum default appointment length on that day. You cannot set a session appointment length smaller than the default appointment length.

If you modify the default appointment length after initial setup, Bp Premier will alert the user about the effect on session appointment lengths:

Alert asking if you wish to change the lengths of appointments for doctors' sessions

If you select Yes, all provider and practice appointment lengths will automatically update to be a multiple of the new default appointment length.

If you select No, all appointment lengths defined in SetupSessions will remain unchanged.

Matching start and end session times

In SetupSessions, if you set a Time of first appointment that is earlier than the appointment book start time set in SetupConfigurationAppointmentsStart time, Bp Premier will alert the that the first appointment is 'out of bounds' and will not be bookable unless the appointment book start time is changed. End appointment times must also match.

Alert saying sessions are out of appointment book bounds

Last updated 15 May 2024.