User Permissions

Bp Premier provides fine-grain control of the functions a user can perform within the software. What you allow a user to do within Bp Premier is ultimately determined by your practice's policies. Some guidance on some of the necessary permissions that a user may need is provided below:

User Category

Allow Access


Practice Manager
















Patient Demographics


Merge Patients


Practice Email

Allow access

Daily Message

Allow access





Export demographic data

Allow access


Allow access

User preferences






Direct Billing




Setup sessions



Allow access

Best Health Settings


Front desk staff







Patient Demographics




Correspondence out

View only

Correspondence in


Own preferences


Bulk Document Import

Allow access

Waiting room

Allow access







Send Bp Comms Messages


Clinical staff

















Patient demographics


Clinical record

Allow access

Clinical notes




Past history






Correspondence out


Investigations reports


Obstetric data


Pap smears


EPC items


Family/Social history


Export clinical data

Allow access

Import clinical data

Allow access

Word Processor

Allow clinical access

Send Bp Comms Messages


I.T. Staff





Allow access

Perform a backup

Allow access

Restore from a backup

Allow access


Allow access

Permission Types

When setting a user's permission, you select the type of access the user is allowed. The permission types are:

  • No Access — The function will not be visible from menus if the user is logged in. The user will be denied access through any other pathway.
  • View only — The user will be able to view data associated with the function (for example, view patient records, or contacts, the appointment book). The user will not be able to modify, add, or delete any records or any data.
  • Add/Edit/Delete — The user can view, add, edit, and delete records and data associated with the function.
  • Allow Access/Deny Access — Some functions allow only yes or no access to the user, for example, access to reports.

Set user permissions

  1. From the main screen, select SetupUsers. The Users screen will appear.
  2. Select the user from the list and click Edit. The Edit user details screen will appear.
  3. Click Set permissions. The Permissions screen will appear.
  4. In Orchid SP2, User Permissions can be sorted alphabetically from A to Z, making it easier to find permissions by name.

  5. Set the permissions for the user.
  6. Click Save to save permissions and return to the Edit user details screen.

Inherit User Permissions

You can inherit permissions from one user to another if you already have a user set up with permissions that you would like another user to have.

  1. From the main screen, select SetupUsers. The Users screen appears.
  2. Select the user from the list and click Edit. The Edit user details screen displays.
  3. Click Set permissionsInherit. The Select user screen will appear.
  4. Select the user to inherit permissions from screen

  5. Select the user from the list that you want to inherit permissions from and click Select.

Available Permissions




User details



No access

Users won’t be able to see the Users option in the Setup tab.

View only

Users will be able to access the User list, but won’t be able to change the details.


Users will be able to access the User list and also change the user details.

Note: Users will need to have the User details permission set to Add/Edit/Delete for some other sections, such as passwords. to be accessible.

Patient demographics



No access

User won’t be able to access the Patient demographics.

View only

User will be able to see the Patient demographics but won’t be able to update or change any information.


User will have full access and control to the Patient demographics.

Merge patients


Deny Access

User won’t be able to merge patient records in View > Patients.

Allow Access

User will be able to merge patient records View > Patients.

Patient bank account

No access

User won’t be able to access the Patient bank account details.

View only

User will be able to see the Patient bank account details but won’t be able to update or change any information.


User will have full access and control to add, edit and delete the Patient bank account details.

Clinical record


Deny access

User won’t be able to search or open any Patient clinical record.

Allow access

User will be able to search and open any Patient clinical record.

Clinical Notes




No access

User won’t be able to see any Clinical note in the Patient clinical record.

View only

User will be able to see ANY Clinical note in the Patient clinical record.


User will be able to see ANY Clinical note, add new one and amend or delete existing one.


User will be able to see the clinical notes, add new ones, amend existing ones and delete them.




No Access

Users cannot view details of past and current patient Rx in the patient record. Users also cannot view, add, or modify Medication Reviews.

View only

Users can view past and current patient Rx and view Medication Reviews.


Users can create, edit, and delete Rx records and Medication Reviews.

Past history



No access

User won’t be able to see Past history data in the Patient clinical record.

View only

User will be able to access the patient Past history in the Patient clinical record.


User will be able to see the Past history, add a new condition, change or delete an existing condition.

Prescribe on behalf of


Deny access

User won’t be able to Prescribe on behalf of in Current Rx.

Allow access

User will be able to Prescribe on behalf of in Current Rx.




No access

User won’t be able to access the Immunisation section in the Patient clinical record.

View only

User will be able to access the Immunisations section in the Patient clinical record but won’t be able to add new one, amend or delete existing one.


User will be able to access the Immunisations section in the Patient clinical record, add new one, amend or delete existing immunisations.




No access

User won’t be able to see the Observations section in the Patient clinical record.

View only

User will be able to see Observations data but won’t be able to add new one, amend or delete existing one.


User will be able to see the patient Observations history, add a new entry, amend and delete existing observations.

Correspondence out



No access

User won’t be able to see the Correspondence Out section in the Patient clinical data.

View only

User will be able to see Correspondence Out data but won’t be able to add new one, amend or delete existing one.


User will be able to see the patient Correspondence Out, add a new entry, amend and delete existing one.

Correspondence in



No access

User won’t be able to see the Correspondence In in the Patient clinical record.

View only

User will be able to see Correspondence In data but won’t be able to add new one, amend or delete existing one.


User will be able to see the patient Correspondence In history, add a new entry, amend and delete it.

Investigation reports



No access

User won’t be able to see the Investigation reports in the Patient clinical record.

View only

User will be able to see Investigations reports data but won’t be able to add new one, amend or delete existing one.


User will be able to see the patient Investigation reports, add a new entry, amend and delete it.

Obstetric data



No access

User won’t be able to see the Obstetric data section in the patient chart.

View only

User will be able to see Obstetric data but won’t be able to add new one, amend or delete existing one.


User will be able to see the patient Obstetric data, add a new entry, amend and delete it.

Pap smears



No access

User won’t be able to see the Cervical screening section in the patient chart.

View only

User will be able to see Cervical screening data but won’t be able to add new one, amend or delete existing one.


User will be able to see the patient Cervical screening history, add a new entry, amend and delete it.

EPC items



No access

User won’t be able to see the EPC section in the patient chart.

View only

User will be able to see EPC data but won’t be able to add new one, amend or delete existing one.


User will be able to see the patient EPC history, add a new entry, amend and delete it.

Family/Social history



No access

User won’t be able to see the Family/Social history section in the patient chart.

View only

User will be able to see Family/Social history data but won’t be able to add new one, amend or delete existing one.


User will be able to see the patient Family/Social history, add a new entry, amend and delete it.

Setup Drug sheet


Deny access

User won’t be able to setup or print the patient drug sheet.

Allow access

User will be able to setup or print the patient drug sheet.

Practice Email


Deny access

User won't be able to access the Practice email option from the main menu View > Practice email.

Allow access

User will be able to access the Practice email option from the main menu View > Practice email.

Daily message


Deny access

User will not be able to create a new Daily Message but will still be able to see the one created.

Allow access

Allows the user to be able to create a Daily Message that will appear at the top of the Appointment book.




No Access

User won’t be able to see the Contact list in Main screen > View.

View only

User will be able to see the Contact list in Main screen > View. Won’t be able to add a new contact, amend or delete an existing one.


User will be able to see the Contact list in Main screen > View and will be able to add a new contact, amend or delete an existing one.

Send Email on behalf of Practice

Deny access

User will not have access to send emails from the Practice email account.

Allow access

User will have access to send emails from the Practice email account.




User will be able to send, receive and manage the internal messages.

Not allowed

User won’t be able to send, receive and manage the internal messages.

Export demographic data



User will be able to access the Export demographic data utility in BPS Utility.

Not allowed

User won’t be able to access the Export demographic data utility in BPS Utility.

Export clinical data


Deny access

User won’t be able to export clinical data from the patient file.

Allow access

User will be able to export clinical data from the patient file.

Note: Setup/Configuration must also be set to Allow access in order to export clinical data via the Patient Import-Export utility.

Import clinical data


Deny access

User won’t be able to import clinical data into BP.

Allow access

User will be able to import clinical data into BP.

Note: Setup/Configuration must also be set to Allow access in order to import clinical data via the Patient Import-Export utility.

Subpoena Tool


Deny access

User won’t be able to see the ’Subpoena tool’ in the utilities.

Allow access

User will be able to access the ’Subpoena tool’ in the utilities.

My Health Record Access


Not allowed

User won’t be able to access the patient My health record.


User will be able to access the patient My health record.

My Health Record Registration


Not allowed

User won’t be able to register patients to My Health Record.


User will be able to register patients to My Health Record.

Search clinical data


Deny access

User won’t be able to see the option ‘Search’ in the utilities.

Allow access

User will be able to access the Search tool in the utilities.

Change patient confidential status


Not allowed

User won’t be able to change the patient confidential status in the demographics.


User will be able to changed the patient confidential status in the demographics.

Allocate investigation reports


Deny access

User won’t be able to allocate report in the Incoming reports screen.

Allow access

User will be able to allocate report in the Incoming reports screen.

Reminder list


Deny Access

User won’t be able to see the Reminder option in Clinical

Allow Access

User will have full access and control on the Reminder list

Word processor templates


No access

User will only be able to use the practice templates. It wont' be able to add a letterhead, add, amend or delete a template


User will have full access to practice templates and letterhead.

Word processor



Deny Access

User won’t be able to see or access the word processor.

Allow Access

User will be to access the word processor.

Allow Clinical Access

User will be to access the word processor and clinical data.



Deny access

User won’t be able to access the Setup/Configuration.

Allow access

User will have full access and control of the BP Setup/Configuration.



Deny Access

User is not allowed to change any password, except their own if they have the User details permission set to Add/Edit/Delete.

Allow Access

User will be able to change ANY user password.

Perform a backup


Deny Access

User won't be able to perform a manual backup.

Allow Access

User will be able to perform a manual backup.

Restore from a backup


Deny Access

User won't have access to restore a backup.

Allow Access

User will be able to restore a backup.



Deny Access

User won’t be able to see the option Printers in the setup tab.

Allow Access

User will have full access on the printer settings.

Own preferences


No access

User won’t be able to see or set its own preferences.


User will be able to see and set its own preferences.

User preferences


Deny Access

User won’t be able to see the User preferences in the setup tab.


User will have full access on control on ANY user preferences.

Immunisation batch numbers


Deny Access

User won’t be able to access the option in setup.

Allow Access

User will have full access and control on the immunisation batch numbers.

Investigation request list


Deny Access

User won’t be able to see the option Investigation request in the view tab.

Allow Access

User will be able to access the Investigation request list in View.

Reference databases (MIMS etc)


Deny Access

User won’t be able to see the MIMS icon.

Allow access

User will be able to access the MIMS.

Print stored scripts


Deny Access

User won't be able to access Stored prescription in the Utilities tab.

Allow Access

User will be able to access Stored prescription in the Utilities tab.

Script lookup


Deny Access

User won't be able to access Script lookup in the Utilities tab.

Allow access

User will be able to access Script lookup in the Utilities tab.

Patient educational material



No access

User won’t be able to see the option for educational material in the patient file.

View only

User will be able to access the patient educational material.


User will have full access and control on the educational material. User can Add new material, Edit and Delete existing one.

Download data


Not allowed

User won't be able to access the Remote database function in the File tab.


User will be able to access the Remote database function in the File tab.



Deny access

User won’t be able to access the HealthLink forms.

Allow access

User will have access to HealthLink forms.

Bulk Document Import


Deny access

User won’t be able to open the Bulk Document Import utility.

Allow access

User will be able to use the Bulk Document Import utility.

Double Book appointments

Not allowed

User will not be able to book two appointments for the same time for the one doctor.



User can book two appointments for the same time for the one doctor.

Override ‘On the day' appointments

Not allowed

User cannot enter an appointment into an ‘on the day' time slot.



User can override an ‘on the day' time slot and enter an appointment.

Waiting room

Deny access

Waiting room icons and menu options will not be visible.


Allow access

User can perform all actions in the waiting room.

Strata SSO


Deny access

User can not select Strata Health PRISM under the View menu.

Allow access

User can select Strata Health PRISM under the View menu.




No access

Appointments and Waiting room screens will not be available.

View only

Allows appointments to be viewed in both the Appointments and Waiting room screens, but not added or changed.


Allows full use of the Appointments and Waiting room screens.






No access

Accounts will not be able to be created and patient's account histories will not be able to be viewed.

Add only

User can create new accounts but is unable to view account histories or change or cancel any accounts.

Add / View

User can create new accounts and view account histories but they are not able to change or cancel any accounts.

Add / Edit

User can create new accounts, view account history and change existing accounts but are not able to delete, cancel or write off accounts.

Add / Edit / Delete

Allows full use of the accounts functionality in the system.






No access

Payment will not be able to be entered.

Add only

User can enter new payments for accounts but is unable to view account histories or reverse or adjust any payments.

Add / View

User can create new accounts and view account histories but they are not able to change or cancel any accounts.

Add / Edit

User can create new accounts, view account history and change existing accounts but are not able to delete, cancel or write off accounts.

Add / Edit / Delete

Allows full use of the accounts functionality in the system.

Direct Billing





No access

User will not have access to the direct billing function

Add only

User can create new direct billing batches but cant modify existing batches or reconcile a batch.

Add / View

User can create new direct billing batches but is unable to modify existing batches or reconcile a batch.

Add / Edit

User can create new direct billing batches, modify existing batches or reconcile a batch – they cannot delete batches.

Add / Edit / Delete

User can perform all actions for direct bill batches.

Send Bp Comms Messages


Not allowed

Users do not have access to send SMS messages from any Bp Premier function.


User is able to send SMS messages.



Allow access

User can access all reports displayed under Management > Reports.

Deny access

User cannot access any reports displayed under Management > Reports.

Setup sessions



No access

User cannot access the Setup > Sessions function.

View only

User can view Sessions but not add new or modify existing ones.

Add / Edit / Delete

User can perform all actions for Sessions.

Setup fees



No access

User cannot access the Setup > Practice Fees function.

View only

User can view Practice Fees but not add new or modify existing ones.

Add / Edit / Delete

User can perform all actions for Practice Fees.



Allow access

User can perform all actions for the Banking function.

Deny access

User cannot access the Banking function.

Cheque details


Allow access

User can access cheque details function.

Deny access

User cannot access cheque details function.

Resend batches


Deny access

User can not view Resend batch button in Online claiming > File menu.

Allow access

User cannot access cheque details function.

Medicare refunds


Deny access

User does not have access to the Refund/Adjust Payment right-click option in the Online claiming screen.

Allow access

User has access to the Refund/Adjust Payment right-click option.

Best Health Settings



No access

User cannot log in to Setup > Configuration > Bp Comms > BHA Practice Onboard utility.

View only

User can log in and view the BHA Practice Onboard utility but make no changes.


User can log in and view the BHA Practice Onboard utility and edit details.


Not allowed

User cannot access PRODA configuration.


User can access PRODA configuration to register B2B devices, extend registration, and remove devices.

BP Browser Access

Not allowed

User cannot access BP Browser.



User can access and query BP Browser.

Last updated 07 July 2023.