Audit reports

Audit reports show who has cancelled or written off services, or reversed payments, during the report period. Corresponding adjustments are shown in the Services or Payment reports for the same date range.

Access audit reports

To access reports, you must have the Reports permission set to Allow access, and you must have reports set up via Setup > Users > Edit > Set Reports. See Set up users to run reports for more information.

  1. From the Bp Premier home screen, select ManagementReports. The Bp Premier Reports screen will appear.
  2. Select the report you wish to view from the Available reports list. Depending on the report, the Choose the Report Parameters screen may appear.
  3. If the Choose the report Parameters screen appears, select your required report parameters from the Date, locations and Providers, Billing, Banking and Configuration tabs, and click View Report.

Cancelled and written off services

This report lists all invoices and services that have been cancelled, adjusted, or written off in the selected date range.


The report is grouped by location, provider, then adjustment date, with totals for each group.

Service amounts are broken into columns by Account type, which relates to the billed to method (Private, Medicare, DVA, Other, WorkCover). The Private column is used for accounts billed to a patient name (Patient, Head of Family and Other when a patient is selected).

When expanded to the service level, the adjustment reason and the user who adjusted the invoice are shown. Any invoices that have been cancelled, had items deleted or added, or have been written off will be listed. The entire invoice is shown, including any services that have ever been on the invoice together with the current service's status. Where an item is still active, the item's current value including GST will be shown. When an item has been cancelled, deleted or written off, its value excluding GST will be shown according to its account type with any GST showing separately.

Notes on usage

The account type values exclude GST. The GST value of the adjusted service is shown separately.

Reversed payments and bounced cheques

This report lists all payments that have been reversed within the selected date range together with the related invoices and services. The report also includes any cheques which have been marked as 'bounced'.

The report is broken into two groups of columns: Account Type (Private, Medicare, DVA) and Payment Method (Cash, Cheque, EFT) with totals per group for each column. Payment amounts include GST and the GST value is also shown separately.

When expanded down to the payment level, you can see the reversal reason (if entered) and the user who reversed the payment. You can expand further to see the invoices and service lines.


Report is grouped by location then provider and reversal date with totals for each group.

Last updated 28 August 2024.