Custom Materials Development

At Best Practice Software, we strive to provide the highest level of support possible to our valued Bp Premier users in the provision of templates, reports, and database queries installed with Bp Premier.

However, many of our users identify a need for templates and reports unique to their practice or region. In response to an increasing demand for custom materials development, Best Practice Software created a dedicated Development Services team to manage these requests and develop custom materials with a structured fee arrangement.

What can Development Services do for me?

Development Services can help define, create, and distribute the following custom materials:

  • Word processor templates
  • SQL database queries
  • Management reports
  • Custom scripts for exporting a set of records from Bp Premier (Database splits).

The team also offer database conversions from other practice management software packages to Bp Premier, or a merge of Bp Premier databases.

Database split

A database split exports a set of records (and potentially other information) from the Bp Premier database. A database split may be required if, for example, a provider is leaving a practice, and needs to export their patient's records to import at a different practice.

The Bp Premier Patient Import/Export Tool exports clinical records for import into another Bp Premier database, and is often sufficient for doctors who are migrating a manageable number of patients with clinical and demographic information only. However, if a doctor needs to export additional information such as appointment and billing data, or has years of patient data of considerable size that needs to be split, Development Services can assess the requirements and provide an estimate of the cost to create a custom scoping script.

The practice’s IT provider can then use the custom script when running the conversion tool to export the required records into a new database containing only the patients the practice has elected to extract from their database. This will require a trial to confirm that the final database produced is working correctly and will require co-ordination with your IT provider. Patients will remain in the original practice’s database after the new database is created.

Who do I contact?

For further information on custom materials development, database conversions or merges, or to initiate a Development Services request, either:

What are the fees?

Fees for development are based on:

  • Complexity — The scope of the request and time to develop and test the solution
  • Distribution — Whether the material is distributed to a single or small number of practices, statewide, or national.

Development Services will email you our fee structure when you contact the team on the number above to discuss your requirements.

Last updated 25 May 2023.