SELECT * FROM BPS_Patients p LEFT JOIN ( SELECT InternalId ,COUNT(*) AS Count FROM Immunisations WHERE VACCINEID IN ( SELECT VACCINEID FROM BPSDrugs..VACCINE_DISEASE v_d INNER JOIN BPSDrugs..VAXDISEASES vd ON v_d.DISEASECODE = vd.DISEASECODE WHERE 1 = 1 AND vd.DiseaseCode = 34 ) GROUP BY InternalID ) imm ON imm.InternalID = p.InternalID WHERE StatusText = 'Active' --AND (imm.Count IS NULL OR imm.Count < 4) --Patients who have had less than or no COVID Imms. AND imm.Count < 4 --Patients who have had less than 4 COVID Imms. AND p.Ethnicity NOT LIKE '%Australian%' --Add Patient Ethnicity between %'s. ORDER BY p.Surname, p.FirstName; --List of patients by count of COVID Vaccines received.