Set up Provider Numbers

Record Provider Numbers for a User from the Provider IDs tab.

  1. Select the System tab.
  2. Click on Options.
  3. Select the User Administration tab.
  4. Select the Provider IDs tab.

Provider IDs

Each Health Fund that a provider sends claims to needs an entry in the Provider IDs tab. The details required are:

  • Health Fund – a line for each fund to be claimed for. The <ALL> option can be used if there are:
    • Multiple Health Funds.
    • The Provider Number is the same for each fund,
    • Funds do not need to be listed out individually on any Invoices printed.

If the <ALL> option is selected, then any Health Fund without an individual listing will use the Provider Number in this line to process a Health Point claim. The Health fund used for claiming is based on the client.

This does NOT apply to Medicare Online Claiming which MUST have a separate line and be specified as Medicare Online.

  • Location – If the provider number is the same for each location then the <ALL> location can be selected, otherwise a line for each Fund / Location combination is required.
  • Provider Number – Relevant provider number for the Fund / Location combination
  • Auth Group – only relevant for Medicare Online Claiming and not to be selected for Health Point claiming
  • Active – To be checked if the line is to be used.

Click here for more information on Tyro HealthPoint Claiming setup.


Last Updated 15 December 2022