Set up Providers for online booking

This step enables online booking for a provider from the Bp Premier database, and which appointment types can be booked online for that provider. For example, a provider may wish to disable new patients from booking online. Providers can also create a biography for display in Best Health Booking.

  1. Select the Providers tab.
  2. This tab sets the doctors that can be booked online, and the appointment types available for individual doctors. Start typing into the search bar on the right to filter the list.

    List of Providers to enable for online booking.

  3. To accept online bookings you must first set the appointment types that the provider accepts bookings for. Select the down arrow at the right side of the Appointment types column. Tick the appointment types that can be booked online.
  4. Tick the appointment types that can be booked for this provider

  5. Select a provider from the list to open the Provider profile.
  6. Adjust the display name if you want and select the appointment types that can be booked online for the provider.

  7. The Provider online name is the doctor's name as displayed to the patient during booking.
  8. Set Accepts Online Bookings to 'Yes' if this doctor has approved being booked online.
  9. Use the text box and the editing toolbar to create an engaging Biography for the doctor that will be displayed to patients when choosing a provider.
  10. Add the doctor's Areas of interest.
  11. These changes will be Saved automatically.
  12. Repeat for each doctor who wishes to be bookable online.

Writing Provider biographies

NOTE  The information and other material contained are for general informational purposes only. Best Practice Software makes no representation and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information, as such information is subject to change. You are encouraged to do your own due diligence.

When writing Provider biographies that include descriptions of profession, title and qualifications, it is important to consider the below. This information has been sourced and summarised from the AHPRA advertising guidelines.

Information about titles, claims about registration, and competence and qualifications of practitioners must be correct or the advertising may be considered false, misleading or deceptive.

A practitioner may only use a protected title if they are registered in that profession. A list of protected titles can be found in the advertising guidelines.

While 'Doctor' or 'Dr' is not a protected title, if the title is used in advertising it should state the practitioner's profession (if they are not a medical practitioner). For example, Dr Jones (dentist) or Dr Lee (osteopath).

Only a practitioner who holds specialist registration in a recognised speciality may use a specialist title in advertising. Practitioners who do not hold specialist registration should be wary of using words or phrases such as 'specialises in', 'specialty', or 'specialised' as it is likely to mislead the patients to believe the practitioner holds a type of specialist registration approved under the national law.

The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) has helpful articles on writing provider descriptions.

Below are some examples that AHPRA has created to highlight the relevant areas that may be affected by these guidelines. Do note that these are only some of the examples provided.

What if a doctor prefers to be booked by phone?

If a doctor prefers to be booked by phone, set Accepts Online Bookings to 'Call Clinic' in the Providers tab. The provider will still be listed in the online booking portal, but with a message that the patient must call the practice to book their appointment with that doctor. The 'Call Clinic' option ensures that the provider is still seen as available to patients who are booking online.

NOTE  To enable call clinic providers, select the appointment types that are applicable to your call only Doctors.

Tick the appointment types that can be booked for this provider

What if a doctor prefers not to be booked online or by phone?

If a doctor prefers only to be booked at the practice, set Accepts Online Bookings to no. The doctor will not appear in the list of available doctors for patients booking online.

Activate Online Booking

Once you have entered your configuration details for all practice locations that offer online booking, and you are ready to test live, you can activate Online Bookings.

  1. Return to the Online Setting tab.
  2. Set Activate online bookings to 'On'. The On button will be coloured solid.
  3. Repeat for each practice location you want to active online booking for.

Patients can now book appointments through your website or their Best Health App.

Last updated 15 November 2023