Expenses can be very quickly added to the Expense Master Report so that they can be easily tracked. This could be used for all Practice expenses or just for managing the Petty Cash.
- Go to the Reports > Expenses.
- Click on Expense Master Report.
- Use the blank line at the top of the results list to add an expense.
- Enter in the Date by either typing it in or clicking on the drop-down and selecting a date from the Calendar.
- Select the Category.
- Set these up in Data Maintenance.
- Add a description of the expense.
- Enter in the total amount.
- Tick the GST Included tickbox if applicable.
- The GST Amount will be automatically calculated.
- Press enter to add the line.
- After adding a line(s) click Save Changes to save the entries.
Expenses lines after they have been entered.
TIP If you are entering a lot of expenses click Save Changes periodically as you go.