Sync with Google Calendar & iCal
To set up Google Sync please look here
To export (or completely refresh) your appointments to your Google Calendar
Go to the Appointments Book
Click the Export to iCal/Google button
Click the Right Mouse Button on the Date header
Click Upload to Goolge (this bypasses the iCal Calendar Export dialog box)

The iCal Calendar Export window displays.

In the Export Calendar to... section
Select Google Calendar
In the Calendars to Export section
Select the required option and tick the calendars as required
Click OK
The Google Calendar Sync message box displays

Click Yes
The status bar will display teh following, if Google Sync has been if used previously

Then show the appointments being inserted into the calendar

The Status Bar will show when the export is completed as below.

Appointments will now be available in Google Calendar.
To view the details about an appointment that have been selected to be exported
Click on the appointment
The appointment details will display

then click Edit Event