Common Claim Processing Errors
An error message will appear with the following format:

Field in error: displays the tab and then the field where the error has occured in the format tabname.fieldname
Message: displays what the problem with the field is.
A list of potential errors when processing a claim are below:
Field in Error
Error message
What this means
Checksum didn't match
In the Referral tab the Provider Number is not correct
Must be after [patient.dateofbirth] and be before today and be before []
In the Referral tab the referral date field is at a future time. It should be a date between the patients DOB and the date of the appointment. Both of these dates must be before "today's" date.
Checksum didn't match
In the Provider tab the Practitioners (servicing) Provider Number is not correct
Medicare Card Number should be 11 characters long.
In the Patient tab the Medicare Card Number is missing or incomplete
Checksum didn't match
In the Patient tab the Medicare Card Number is not a valid number
Invalid data type. Should be an unsigned integer.
In the Patient tab the Medicare Card Reference is missing or incomplete
Expected string containing date (YYYY-MM-DD)
In the Patient tab the date of birth field has a problem. Either the date is a future date or it is too far into the past.
flags.account paid
In the Flags tab the Account Paid field is not ticked. This is required before a Patient claim can be processed.