You are accessing documentation for Bp Allied version 5. This is not the latest version of Bp Allied.
Support for this product will cease on 1 November 2020
Due to changes in security requirements for the Medicare implementation using Medicare Online Claiming in Version 5 is longer available. Please contact our support team about upgrading to the latest version of BpAllied to enable this implementation.
Version 5

MOC - ProviderDetails

Any fields not required for the particular claim being lodged will be greyed out.
MOC - ProviderDetails

Provider - Servicing

1. Provider - Servicing
Servicing Provider is the provider number of the medical practitioner rendering the service(s) as allocated by Medicare

Provider - Payee

2. Provider - Payee
Payee Provider Number is the provider number of the principal provider where the payment is to be directed to other than the servicing provider.
  • BulkBill - Must not equal provider servicing.
  • DVA, VAA - Required