SMS Global Credentials
Enter in your SMS Global API Key Account details
To find your API Keys:
1 - Login to SMS Global with your Account Username and Password
2 - From the right hand settings menu, go to SMS Settings
3 - From the lefthand menu select API & Integrations > API Keys
4 - Copy your Master API Key Username and Password to Bp Allied
 Reply Options
Choose the applicable reply option
2: To be able to receive SMS replies to a Phone number then the Sender ID/Reply Number field above must be filled out with a valid mobile number e.g. 0480256789
3: To be able to Receive replies into Bp Allied:
the Incoming SMS Settings needs to be set in your SMS Global set-up as shown below:
SMS Global Set-up
Log into the SMS Global website using your Username and Password
Select Settings cog > SMS Settings from the right-hand menu
The SMS Settings screen will display.
c. Scroll down to Post replies to URL field (as shown in the image below)
d. Enter in the URL as https://sms.mypracticelive.com
e. Click Update Settings
 Set up an account
Links to the SMS Global website.
Click OK to save changes and to close the options window.
Click Cancel to disregard changes and close the options window.
Click Apply to save the changes and keep the options window open.