Understand which reports to run, what the report parameters mean, and how to use reports to pay providers.
Provides a description of key reports used by a practice, such as Services and Payment reports used for provider disbursement.
Best Practice Software Development Services team can create custom reports, database queries, and word processor templates for you at a structured fee cost.
Reports on online claiming batches submitted.
Reports for payments made to a practice, broken down by account type, payment method, and service date. All reports include service details.
Service reports can be used for provider disbursement if you pay your providers based on services performed.
Transactions reports list both service and payment information. They can be used for provider disbursement if you pay your providers both by services performed and payments received.
Reports for banking batches created, daily takings, held accounts, and reversed payments and bounced cheques.
Reports on debtors at an aging date. Reports can be exported to MS Excel.
Deposits and Payment Reversal reports
Reports showing deposits used to pay off invoices, and reversed payments, within the date range.
Reports for cancelled and written off services, and reversed payments and bounced cheques.
Reports on uploads to My Health Record, incoming referrals, and vaccines given.
New Patient Added report.
Reports for viewing appointments in a date range.
Administrative reports for viewing custom practice fees, appointment reminder status, and provider days away from practice.
Patient Contact and Billing Statistics
The Patient Contact and Billing Statistics reports provides statistics on patient contact hours, count of services performed, average fee per hour, services per hour and fee per service, plus dollar values of fees billed.
The appointment statistics reports show the number of appointments per provider per month at your practice, and the number of appointments by type. There are two appointment statistics reports available - one for combined locations, and one for individual locations.
The referral reports provide a list of referrals that have been recorded in the system. The report will show ‘current’ referrals within the specified date range.
Use Bp Premier's Shared Health Summary upload counts to assist in PIP eHealth reporting.