What's new in Bp Premier

Orchid SP2

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Release date: 27 May 2024

The future of healthcare is coming! Introducing Lyrebird AI Medical Scribe integration with Bp Premier

Lyrebird uses artificial intelligence to revolutionise medical scribing. Lyrebird helps healthcare professionals to save time and improve patient care.

With Lyrebird, you can automate patient notes with a fully integrated AI Medical Scribe specially engineered for clinical environments. With Lyrebird, start recording from the patient record and complete your consult, and Lyrebird will generate clinical notes in a standard format, ready for one-touch write-back into Bp Premier.

See Lyrebird Health for more information.

Manage Payment Integrations

The configuration menu in Orchid SP2 has been redesigned, and a new tab for managing Payments Integrations has been added. As part of the Payment Integration changes, configuration through the Tyro Setup.exe utility has been deprecated; CommBank Smart Health and Tyro can now be activated and configured by navigating to Setup > Configuration > Payments.

Payment Integrations available in Bp Premier are:

  • Tyro
  • CommBank Smart Health

Payment integrations configured prior to upgrading to Orchid SP2 will remain active and will be set as the default payment integration.

See Configure Payment Integrations in Orchid SP2 for more information.

HICAPS now integrates with Bp Premier

We are excited to announce our new partnership with HICAPS which will provide our Practices with the following integrated functionality:

  • integrated Medicare Easyclaim
  • integrated Medicare Online
  • integrated EFTPOS
  • integrated EFTPOS Refunds

These new features are currently being piloted and, whilst included within this Orchid SP2 release, are currently hidden until completion of the pilot phase. Practices will be notified by email when the HICAPS integration is publicly available.

See Configure HICAPS in Orchid SP2, Online Claiming: Medicare Easyclaim and HICAPS and Refund Payments with HICAPS Integrated EFTPOS for more information.

Bp Email supports Modern Authentication (OAuth2.0) for Gmail and Microsoft 365

Open Authorisation 2.0 or OAuth2.0, is a standardised protocol that enables secure access to user data without requiring the user to disclose their credentials. OAuth2.0 is the recommended method for securely connecting your Microsoft 365 and Gmail accounts to Bp Email.

See Configure Bp Premier to Use Email for more information.

Enhancements to the Cardiovascular Risk Assessment Tool

Bp Premier's built-in Cardiovascular Risk Assessment tool has been deprecated. When accessing Clinical > Cardiovascular Risk from the patient record, an embedded browser will open the Australian Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance's CVD Risk (AusCVDRisk) calculator. AusCVDRisk is a comprehensive tool designed to assist health professionals in assessing, communicating, and managing cardiovascular disease risk.

See Cardiovascular Disease Risk Assessment Calculator for more information.

Improvements to the Patient Demographics screen

The patient demographics screen has been enhanced to capture information regarding the patient's Preferred Language, Interpreter requirements, and Country of Birth.

When recording Preferred Language, the top ten languages recorded by the Australian Bureau of Statistics will display at the top of the dropdown menu, followed by an alphabetical listing of all other languages.

When recording Country of Birth, the top ten Countries of Birth recorded by the Australian Bureau of Statistics will display at the top of the dropdown menu, followed by an alphabetical listing of all other countries.

When the Interpreter checkbox is ticked, users will be notified that an interpreter is required when adding, viewing, or editing appointments, arriving, or starting visits from the appointment book and in the patient's clinical record.

See Set Country of Birth, Preferred Language and Interpreter for more information.

Permissions to control access to Patient Bank Account Details

Orchid SP2 introduces enhanced control over the management of Patient Bank Account information. We've added a new permission type called Patient Bank Account, which gives you greater control over who can View, Add, Edit, or Delete these details.

See Permission to access the Patient Bank Account details for more information.

Permissions to send emails from the Practice Email account

Orchid SP2 introduces enhanced control over Practice Email accounts. We've added a new permission type called Send Email on behalf of Practice, which gives you greater control over who can send emails using the shared Practice email account.

When you upgrade to Orchid SP2, the Send Email on behalf of Practice permission will be set to Allow access by default.

See Send Emails on behalf of Practice for more information.

Argus Integration and National Health Services Directory Updated

The Argus API integration has been updated to support version V7; the functionality that restricted it to V6 has been removed.

The National Health Services Directory (NHSD) is a comprehensive national directory of health practitioners and services. Bp Premier users with an active Argus subscription can access the National Health Services Directory (NHSD) from the main Bp Premier screen, View > Contacts > Directory.

See Set up Argus Integration or Using the National Health Services Directory for more information.

Schedule SQL Index Rebuild to run Automatically

The SQL Index Rebuild utility can now be scheduled to run automatically using the Bp Service.

The SQL Index Rebuild utility rebuilds the internal indexes of the SQL database. Rebuilding indexes can improve index fragmentation and have a considerable impact on database maintenance and performance, lowering the risk of performance degradation and IT support time or expense.

See Schedule SQL Index Rebuild to run automatically for more information.

Enhancements allow users to repair Suspect Databases

A Suspect Database occurs when one or more SQL databases are identified to be potentially corrupt or unavailable. When the database starts up, SQL will perform a series of checks to confirm data integrity. If these checks identify any potential issues the individual database is marked as Suspect.

By selecting the Repair button on the Suspect Database error in Orchid SP2, users will be able to initiate a Database Console Command (DBCC) consistency check on the database server without having to contact Bp Premier Support for assistance in resolving the error. This will significantly reduce the length of time Bp Premier is offline, allowing your practice to resume operations as soon as possible.

See Repair Suspect Databases in Orchid SP2 for more information.

Orchid SP1 Revision 1

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Release date: 08 January 2024

Mandatory AIR Vaccination Encounter Reporting Changes from 1 March 2024

Reporting accurate vaccination information to the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) allows the register to contain a complete and reliable dataset for monitoring immunisation coverage and administration. The Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) will establish new mandatory reporting requirements on 1 March 2024 to improve the data currently held.

Where a vaccination provider is both the immunisation and information provider and the vaccine was administered on or after 1 March 2024, the following information will be required to upload an encounter to AIR from 1 March 2024:

  • Route of Administration will be mandatory for selected vaccines.
  • Selecting the Vaccine Type will be mandatory for selected vaccines.
  • Recording Batch Numbers will be mandatory for selected vaccines.

See Record Immunisations and Send to AIR for more information.

Document the patient's MyMedicare registration status

To assist in capturing patients who have registered with the practice for MyMedicare, the patient demographic window has been updated to include the following new fields:

  • Registered for MyMedicare allows you to mark that a patient has registered for MyMedicare with your practice.
  • MyMedicare Registration Date allows you to set a date from which the MyMedicare registration is effective.
  • Registered Location allows you to record the patient's preferred MyMedicare practice location.

Once the patient's MyMedicare registration has been recorded in Bp Premier, their MyMedicare status will be displayed in the appointment book workflow, when creating an invoice and in the patient demographic area of the clinical record.

See Record the patient's MyMedicare registration status for more information.

Record the MyMedicare Site ID for each Practice Location

A new field, MyMedicare Site ID, has been added to the Location Details window in Setup > Practice Details > Add/Edit.

The Organisation Site ID should be entered into the MyMedicare Site ID field for single and multi-location practices, ensuring that the Organisation Site ID matches the correct practice location in Bp Premier. To obtain the Organisation Site ID for your practice location, log on to PRODA > HPOS > Organisation Register.

In Orchid SP1 Revision 1, the MyMedicare Site ID will be used in conjunction with the patient's Registered Location to ensure that the correct MyMedicare incentive is applied for the invoicing location.

See Record MyMedicare Site ID for more information.

Improvements to support Level E Consultation Item Numbers

Bp Premier will estimate the MBS item number required for a consult based on the visit length for providers with the billing preference Calculate the MBS item in the Finalise window selected in Setup > Preferences.

The previous billing logic would always estimate a Level D consultation item number where the visit length was 40 minutes or longer. Improvements have been made to correctly estimate Level E consultation item numbers where the visit length is 60 minutes or longer.

See Calculate the MBS Item in the Finalise window for more information.

Upcoming Security Enhancements to BP Browser SQL Logins

Orchid Service Pack 1 Revision 1 includes security enhancements to mitigate the risk of unauthorised access to the Bp Premier database without limiting functionality for your practice to access your own data.

These enhancements are:

  • The 'BP Browser' SQL Logins, BPSRawData and BPSViewer will be removed.
  • The method that the Bp Premier application uses to connect to the Bp Premier Database has been altered to improve security.

These changes will impact your practice if you currently connect any third-party applications to the Bp Premier database using either the BPSRawData, or BPSViewer SQL Logins. A common use-case for these accounts is to use tools such as Microsoft SQL Management Studio or Microsoft Power BI to generate reports or query your practice's data.

See Security Enhancements to BP Browser SQL Logins for more information.

Updates to BP Browser Access and Third-party backups

In Setup > Configuration > Database, the Third-party backup button replaces the database browser button, and this is where you will configure the password for third-party database backups. By assigning a password to this account, database backups can be conducted with the BPSBackup login.

Access to the BP Browser has been updated, and you can now log in using your Bp Premier username and password. To provide more control over who can access the BP Browser, we've added a new user permission type called BP Browser Access; by default, this permission will be set to No Access.

See Configure password for third-party backups or Browse the database for more information.

Orchid SP1

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Release date: 31 July 2023.

Upload Advance Care Planning Documents to My Health Record

Advance Care Planning (ACP) is the process of establishing and documenting one's medical care preferences if one cannot make decisions in the future due to illness, injury, or disability.

A new menu item in the Patient Clinical Record has been added to My Health Record > Upload Advance Care Planning. Users with My Health Record Access permission set to Allow Access can view and upload Advance Care Planning documents.

See Upload an Advance Care Planning Document for more information.

My Script List (MySL)

My Script List (MySL) is an optional service that enables patients and their chosen healthcare providers to view a comprehensive list of their dispensable prescriptions.

Using an assisted registration process, Pharmacists can enrol patients in the service and Providers can request access to view the patient's MySL record.

See Using My Script List (MySL) for more information.

Improvements to eReferral management

In Orchid SP1, additional menu buttons have been included to streamline the management of eReferrals. Users can efficiently handle unacknowledged or negatively acknowledged eReferrals by marking them as contacted or no longer required.

See Following up eReferrals in Orchid SP1 for more information.

Display the Provider’s payment details on Invoices

In Orchid SP1, provider payment details can be displayed at the bottom of their Invoices. Only one bank account number per provider may be selected to appear on all invoices.

See Add bank accounts for more information.

Set HTML in the Body of outgoing emails

In Orchid SP1, custom text can be added to the body of outgoing emails in HTML format.

The limit for custom HTML outgoing email text is 2000 characters.

If set, outgoing email text will be added to the body of all emails sent from the practice and cannot be changed for each provider.

You may wish to use outgoing email text to include information in your emails such as:

  • practice details (address, phone number, email. address)
  • privacy disclaimer
  • a 'no reply' message, for example: 'This email address is not monitored. If you need to contact us, please call us on 07 xxxx xxxx.'

See Set outgoing email text for more information.

Enhanced patient search

Enhanced Patient Search is now available in the following screens:

  • HealthLink Smart Forms, View > HealthLink Forms > New Form.
  • Appointment Book > Billing > Process payments (Ctrl + F5) or Main Screen > Management > Process Payment (Ctrl + F5).

In Orchid SP1, you can search for Patients using a forward slash or full stops as separators. For example, DD.MM or DD/MM.

See Find a patient for more information.

Resend failed eOrders in Investigation Requests

Three new columns have been added to the View > Investigation Requests screen:

  • The eOrder column will contain a yes or no value to indicate whether the investigation request was sent as an eOrder.
  • The eOrder created on column will show the date and time the eOrder was sent and a failed status for any that did not export.
  • The barcode column will display the barcode that appears on the eOrder.

Any eOrders that failed to export can be resent by right-clicking on the investigation request and selecting Resend.

See Manage investigation requests for more information.

Healthlink form enhancements

Parked Healthlink forms can now be accessed from Correspondence out in the patient record. Double-click the form or select the form and click View to open it. You will have the option to continue to edit the form or submit it.

Also, when the word processor is opened from the patient record, clicking the Healthlink form icon in the word processor now opens the list of available Healthlink forms.

See HealthLink Online Forms for more information.


Release date: 24 January 2023.

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For new release videos, Masterclass webinars and BeInTheKnow webinars, see Webinars and Feature Videos.

Add multiple observations

As of Orchid, you can add multiple sets of observations to a patient record in one day.

If a set of observations have already been added to a patient record on a single day and the Add button in the observations section is clicked again, you will have to option to edit the existing set of observations or create a new set.

Only one set of observations can be marked as the day's Primary observations. Only the primary observations for the day will save to Today's notes.

Adding observations via other clinical functions in Bp Premier (for example, adding a BMI via Clinical > BMI) will enter the observation into the primary set of observations for the day.

See See Add observations for more information. for more information.

Add medical exemptions for immunisations

Medical contraindications and natural immunities can now be uploaded to the Australian Immunisation Register via Bp Premier using the Add medical exemptions screen.

To access the Add medical exemptions screen from the patient record, select View AIR in the immunisations section, and select either the Medical contraindications or the Natural immunity tab.

See Access Australian Immunisation Register information for more information.

Set text for outgoing emails

In orchid, custom text can be added to the body of outgoing emails.

The limit for custom outgoing email text is 500 characters.

If set, outgoing email text will be added to the body of all emails sent from the practice, and cannot be changed for each provider.

You may wish to use outgoing email text to include information in your emails such as:

  • practice details (address, phone number, email. address)
  • privacy disclaimer
  • a 'no reply' message, for example: 'This email address is not monitored. If you need to contact us, please call us on 07 xxxx xxxx.'

See See Configure Bp Premier to Use Email for more information. for more information.

Improved patient search

When using the Patient list (F10) or Open patient (F2), when creating or finding an appointment, creating patient accounts and viewing patient billing history, patients can now be searched for using the following information:

  • first name
  • last name
  • combination of last name and first name
  • preferred name e.g. surname, preferred Name
  • home phone number
  • work phone number
  • mobile number
  • email e.g. admin@brisbanestreetpractice.com
  • home address
  • postal address e.g. 1 Brisbane Street
  • record number
  • preferred name
  • Medicare number
  • IHI
  • postcode
  • date of birth e.g. DD/MM or DD/MM/YYYY, 02/01/91.

See Find a patient for more information.

Internal message search functionality added

In the Messages window, internal messages can now be searched for by message subject, from user (unless searching on sent messages), sent to user, or patient.

Messages can also be sorted by message date, from user or patient, in ascending or descending order.

See Send internal messages for more information.

Email invoices and receipts directly from the patient and account billing history

Invoices and receipts for privately billed accounts can now be emailed directly to patients and contacts from the patient billing history and account holder history screens.

A contact note will be automatically recorded if an email has been successfully sent. This contact note will record that the invoice was sent via email and will contain the patient name and email address used.

See Send emails from Bp Premier for more information.

Bp Cloud Connector

A new component of Bp Premier, Bp Cloud Connector, will be installed as part of the installation or upgrade to Orchid. Bp Cloud Connector is a core component that will support cloud services available in future releases of Bp Premier and other Best Practice Software products that may integrate with Bp Premier.

As part of Bp Cloud Connector, two new Windows Bp services will be installed:

  • Best Practice Field Controller
  • Best Practice Field Recovery Agent

Last updated 24 May 2024.




