Patient Claiming

IMPORTANT   Interactive Patient Claims can only be sent within six months of the date of service. If the claim falls outside this period, please direct the patient to claim this service with Medicare directly.

Online Claiming: Patient claiming

End to end walkthrough for online patient claiming, including billing, service correction and claim resubmission, and troubleshooting.

Patient Claiming: Processing Gap Payments

Gap payments can be used in situations where there is a gap in cost between an item's practice fee and the Medicare rebate.

Correct a payment or paid account

Reverse or adjust a payment before the payment is banked.

Refund a Medicare payment

Some questions and answers on Bp Premier's Medicare Refunds function, including how the refund is handled in billing history, banking, and disbursement reports.

Restrictive Override Codes for Medicare

Adding a restriction code in the Account Item window provides additional information that will prevent a claim containing multiple similar items from being rejected by Medicare