Online Claiming: Medicare Easyclaim and HICAPS


We are excited to announce our new partnership with HICAPS. The HICAPS features are currently being piloted and, whilst included within the Orchid Service Pack 2 release, are currently hidden until completion of the pilot phase. Practices will be notified by email when the HICAPS integration is publicly available!

This article describes how to process Medicare Easyclaim private patient claims in Orchid Service Pack 2 using a HICAPS terminal and explains how to:

  1. Activate HICAPS Medicare Easyclaim for private patient accounts.
  2. Process an invoice through HICAPS Medicare Easyclaim.
  3. Review sent HICAPS Medicare Easyclaim and resend unsent claims.
  4. Correct and resubmit an HICAPS Medicare Easyclaim.
  5. Troubleshoot some common errors that may occur during online patient claiming.

The steps in this article assume that you have set up Medicare Web Services and HICAPS , and tested that online patient claiming and HICAPS work for your Bp Premier installation. If you have not set this up already, see the following articles for more information:

Information correct at time of publishing (28 June 2024).




