Create a reminder letter template

Reminder letter templates are used to send reminder letters to patients (for example, a regular cervical screen is due, or an annual blood pressure test). You can also choose to send clinical reminders by SMS or App.

What templates are supplied with Bp Premier?

Best Practice Software supplies many system templates as part of Bp Premier. To see all of the templates, press F4 or UtilitiesWord Processor and select TemplatesUse template from the menu. Tick All and Include all states to see the templates available for all states in Australia. Templates are usually updated each monthly Data Update.

You can use these templates if they suit your practice, but you cannot modify and save changes to a system template. However, you can save a system template under a new name and make any changes you like. Your practice may choose to create a generic reminder letter, intended to be used for all reminder reasons, or may wish to create a letter template with specific layout and wording for each type of reminder. See System Templates for more information.

NOTE  After you create your templates, advise your practice staff of the correct template to be used for reminders.

  1. From the main Bp Premier screen, click the Best Practice Premier Word Processor Icon icon, press F4, or select Utilities > Word processor from the menu. The word processor will be displayed.
  2. If you are creating a blank template from scratch, select Templates > New Template from the menu. A blank document will be displayed.
  3. If you are editing an existing template, select TemplatesEdit Template and select a template to modify from the Word Processor templates screen.

  4. Use the template fields from the list on the left hand side where you want to automatically insert information (for example, <PtTitle><PtSurname> is substituted with something like 'Mr Smith' when the letter is created) .
  5. When creating a generic template, include the template field <ReminderReason> found under Reminder letters so that the reminder reason is included in the letter.
  6. When you are finished drafting the template, select File > Save as from the menu. The Template Detail screen will be displayed.
  7. Enter the Template name.
  8. If other users will be using this template, tick the box Available to all users.
  9. Click Save.

The template will now be available when reminders are sent by mail from the Reminders screen.

Last updated 15 August 2023.