Arrive a patient

This article explains how to check a patient's Medicare details when they arrive and indicate in the appointment book that the patient is ready to see the provider.

Swiping a patient's Medicare card while the appointment book is open also provides some shortcuts. See Medicare card reader shortcuts for more information.

Verify patient Medicare details

To verify a single patient:

  1. Right-click the patient's appointment in the appointment book and select Online patient verification. Bp Premier will connect to Medicare and attempt to verify the patient's Medicare details, or notify that gaps in the patient's Medicare details mean that online verification is not possible.

To verify bulk patients:

  1. Select UtilitiesBulk patient verification. The Bulk Online Verification screen will appear.
  2. Tick the providers you want to verify patients for, or click Select all.
  3. Select the start and end date to look for appointments between and click Ok. The Bulk Online Patient Verification screen will appear, showing all patients not successfully verified online with Medicare.
  4. To verify a patient's Medicare details, select the patient and click Verify. Bp Premier will connect to Medicare and verify the patient online. The result will appear in the Status column.
  5. To update a patient's details, click Update. The Online Patient Verification screen will appear. Update the values of the items you want to update and click OK.
  6. Repeat for all patients you want to verify.

Arrive a patient

Changing the status of a patient’s appointment to 'Arrived' indicates the patient is present and is waiting to be seen by the provider.

  1. To mark an appointment as arrived, choose one of:
    • select the appointment and press F4 on your keyboard
    • right-click on the appointment and select Arrived
    • select the appointment and select File > Arrive Patient from the menu.
  2. Any applicable messages for front desk staff about the patient will appear, such as overdue accounts, or mobility information.

When the appointment status is changed to Arrived:

  • the appointment will appear on the selected provider’s Waiting Room screen
  • the appointment will appear with yellow shading on both the Waiting room and Appointment Book screens.

Last updated 14 May 2024.