Update your NASH Certificate for eRx Script Exchange

Affects: All users of Bp VIP.net and eRx Script Exchange.

In this article:

Issue Description

eRx Script Exchange has advised they will be enabling certificate validation on 06 August 2024 and any Practices using an expired NASH certificate will be unable to electronically transmit prescriptions to eRx Script Exchange. Practices must ensure an up-to-date NASH certificate has been configured for eRx Script Exchange.

The NASH certificate is used for the following services:

  • My Health Record
  • Health Identifier (HI) Service
  • eRx Script Exchange

Resolution Prerequisites

To continue sending electronic scripts via eRx Script Exchange after 06 August 2024, eRx Script Exchange must be configured to use the latest NASH certificate.

Before you Begin

  • The NASH certificate should be downloaded from HPOS prior to completing these steps and saved to a location on the database server.
  • The NASH certificate passphrase will be required.
  • Only one NASH certificate / thumbprint should be used with eRx Script Exchange, regardless of user locations.
  • If your database has multiple locations, and you have been issued location specific NASH certificate, please choose one certificate to be used for eRx Script Exchange.
  • The new NASH certificate should not be installed into the eRx Setup utility (against any of the users) until Step Two and Step Three are completed.


Troubleshooting certificate update failure

If NASH certificate update fails after following the above steps, you will need to gather some information from your Bp VIP.net server to forward by email to Best Practice Software Support for review and resolution directly with eRx.

Submitting this information by email removes the need for Bp Support to gather this information from your practice and reduces resolution time.

To take screenshots, search for 'snipping tool' in desktop search to open the Windows Snipping Tool.

1. eRx adapter log

In a Windows file explorer on the Bp VIP.net server, browse to C:\eRx and copy the file erxadaper.log to a temporary location ready for insertion into an email.

2. NASH thumbprint and subject

  1. Log into the Bp VIP.net Server as a Windows Administrator.
  2. Search for MMC in the Windows Start menu and click Open.The Management Console will appear.
  3. From the left hand panel, browser to Trusted People > Certificates. Use Bp VIP.Net Support Guidance as a guide.
  4. Double-click the NASH certificate that you installed in previous steps. The NASH certificate will show general.HPIOno.id.electronichealth.net.au in the Issued By column.
  5. Select the Details tab.
  6. Highlight the Subject row and expand the screen to show the Value column. Take a screenshot of the Subject Value.
  7. NASH certificate Subject value

  8. Highlight the Thumbprint row and take a screenshot of the full Value column.
  9. NASH certificate Thumbprint value

  10. Save the screenshots to the temporary folder.
  11. Exit Management Console.

Email all screenshots to Best Practice Software Support.

Best Practice Software will forward the details on to eRx, who will update user setup details at the eRx end. Once this is complete, the practice will need to import the new NASH certificate for each user in Erx Setup utility. See the Bp VIP.net Knowledge Base article Add a New Provider to eRx (AU) for further instructions.


Last updated 24 June 2024