Bp Premier Support Guidance
Known Issue: SP1 E-ordering plain paper selection
Versions affected: Version Saffron Service Pack 1 only
This issue only applies to practices that have upgraded to Saffron SP1, and configured an E-ordering lab through the new E-order Configuration screen available in that version.
In Preferences > Imaging, when selecting the preferred layout for an imaging lab that:
has been configured for eOrdering through Contacts > Setup > E-Ordering, and
has a supplied layout
selecting 'Plain paper' will always revert the layout back to the supplied layout. Custom layouts can be selected successfully.
This issue will be resolved in a future Data Update. In the meantime, Best Practice Software have provided a script that users who have upgraded to Saffron SP1 can download and run to resolve this issue.
- Right-click to download the file Update_ImagingRequestFormat.bpscript here. Your browser may alert that the file you want to download presents a security risk. You can safely download and keep this file.
- Run the .script file through the Bp Script Runner utility. Instructions on how to run the script runner utility are available here.
- Check that the issue no longer occurs on your installation of Bp Premier Saffron SP1.
Last updated 09 June 2021