Generate statements for one or multiple accounts

Generate a statement on request for an individual patient or organisation, or perform a statement run for debtors using selection criteria.

On this page:

Run a Statement for a single account or multiple accounts

  1. Go to File > AccountsStatement Run.
  2. The Patient Statements (End of Period) window will appear.

  3. Click the New button to create a patient statement.
  4. Select a type of statement from the Statement Separation options.
  5. Put in the number of days for the account activity.
  6. Tick the checkbox and outstanding amount is current, if you want to include this data.
  7. Put in the value for Total owing is less than and Total Credit is less than.
  8. Set up the Overdue period definitions.
  9. Give the message on the statement for 1, 2 and 3 month overdue balance.
  10. Click Print.
  11. The Print/Reprint Statement Run window will appear.

  12. Select a single account or multiple account statements you wish to print and click Print.

Set statement preferences

Go to Setup > Facility Preferences > Financial Preferences > Statements.

Set the default preferences for all future Statements.


Last modified: 7 December 2021