Medicare Claim Forms

If you are submitting a Patient Claim to Medicare, where the patient is paying part or whole of the fee charged, Bp can print three different forms depending on the status of the claim.

The patient address on the form and all correspondence from Medicare will be the claimant’s address held by Medicare.


The standard Best Practice Software Tax Invoice or Receipt will be printed if the claim is rejected by Medicare, if there are issues with validating the patient information, or the patient does not have a bank account registered with Medicare. The patient will have to obtain their refund from Medicare or register a bank account with Medicare.

Statement of Claim and Benefit Payment - PAID

This form indicates that the claim has been lodged, processed, and a refund to the patient has been paid:

  • The report indicates 'This claim has been: ASSESSED'.
  • The statement shows the services claimed, including service details if any, and includes the value of the patient contribution and the amount of the benefit paid.
  • The Payment details shows that the account has been fully paid and how Medicare will pay the patient.
  • The status of the claim in Bp is changed to ‘Assessed’.

Lodgement Advice – MANUAL

This forms will be generated if the transmission is successful but the patient part paid the account, or an issue with the payment requires referral to a Medicare agent for action.

If the report says ‘This claim has been: REFERRED TO Medicare Australia':

  • Information entered on the claim requires manual processing by Medicare staff. The patient would have to liaise with Medicare for further information. The Lodgement Advice will contain a reference number.
  • Bp will show the status of the claim as ‘Manual’ or 'Pended'.

If the report says ‘This claim has been: STORED FOR LATER TRANSMISSION':

  • Transmission was not possible due to a system problem. The items will be placed in a storage area for later transmission.
  • These claims can be found in Bp
  • The statement shows details about the transmission and will show the Patient Contribution but will not show how much Medicare will pay the patient.
  • Bp will show whether the patient fully or partly paid the invoice and how Medicare will pay the patient.


Last modified: 30 September 2021