Frequently Asked Questions for the Practice

Setting up Best Health online booking has a few simple requirements. Visit our eligibility page to find out if your clinic meets these conditions.

How can I report on Online Booking?

You can report on online appointment bookings over a time period in three ways:

How do I remove Modified Availability from a Provider?

  1. Select the Providers tab from the left-hand side of PrOS.

  2. Select the Provider to edit or remove the modified availability for.

  3. Select Appointment Types.

  4. A screenshot of the Appointment Types selection being made after selecting a provider

  5. Select the pencil icon to edit the availability or select the trash can icon to delete it.

  6. An orange circle highlights the two icons to modify or edit availability

    To learn more about modified availability, see the article on customised appointment types.

How does a patient determine if they are new or existing?

Best Health Booking relies on the patient to select the correct patient type ('new patient' or 'existing patient'). While there's no automatic check against medical records, this honesty based system ensures a smoother booking experience.

The definition of an 'existing patient' can vary greatly for a patient (for example; having seen the doctor before, having previous appointments, having transferred records). This approach prioritises accurate information and efficient database management.

What does the patient booking process look like?

This video shows the end to end booking process for new and existing Best Health Account owners. Patients will need to supply a mobile phone number and an email to create their Best Health Account and set up secure two-factor authentication.