Client Access Permissions Table and Report

The Client Access Permissions report is a view of the Client Access table. The Client Access table defines User access to each Client, and indicates if the Client permissions have been manually updated. By default, this report can only be run by the System Administrator.

If a permission has been manually updated, the Reset Permissions option does not override this.



Select User

Select the user to display the Client Access Permissions for.


Enables searching for a specific value, e.g. a client name.

Client Permissions

This displays the specific permissions for this Client as they pertain to the selected User.

Clicking Edit displays the permissions for that Client for all users. This can also be accessed via Client Details > Practitioner field. This allows the permissions to be manually edited. View the Client Access Manual Update report to see a concise list of which Users have manually edited client access permissions.

Primary Practitioner

Denotes that this practitioner is the Primary Practitioner for this client.

Manual Update

Denotes that these lines of permissions have been manually updated via the Client Access report or the Client Details Access screen above.

If a permission has been manually updated then the Reset Permissions option does not override this.