Add a Referral Within Client Details

The information captured in Bp Allied about a referral is entirely up to the practice entering the information. However, if the referral information is to be included in an Invoice, Best Practice Software recommend capturing at least the Referrer, Referral Date, and the Referrer's Provider Number.

V7 SP1 release supplement changes are explained in this video here.

Select Clients > choose a client > Referrals tab to manage referrals.

Customise the view

7. Customise the view

  • Click on the layout images to change the way the cards are displayed. Cards are always displayed with the most recent card first.
  • Click on the Cog icon to customise the fields that are displayed within the Referral entry form.

Add, Save and Delete

These options are presented in a small toolbar underneath the Referrals list.

1. Add, Save & Delete

  • Click + to add a new Referral.
  • Click the tick to save the Referral.
  • Click the - to delete the selected referral, e.g. if the notation says "Record 1 of 6", then "Record 1" will be deleted.

Set the Current Referral

2. Current Referral tick box

If the client has more than one referral, this checkbox indicates which is the current. This is managed using the practice-wide option of Allow Multiple Current Referrals in System > Options > Client Details.

If Allow Multiple Current Referrals is NOT selected, then the following will occur:

  • There can be only ONE Current Referral.
  • When the Current Referral box is ticked, this is the trigger that will attach it to an appointment by default.

If Allow Multiple Current Referrals IS selected, the following will occur:

  • There can be more than one Current Referral.
  • The referral with the latest Referral Date that is also ticked as a Current Referral will attach itself to an appointment by default.

Set Referral Details

3. Referral Details

  • Select Referral Reason and Referrer from the drop down list
  • If the appropriate reason or referrer are not in the list, new values can be entered via System > Data Maintenance > Referral Reason or Referrers.
  • Enter in any additional details required
  • Enter in the Referral Date or select the drop down arrow and choose the date from the calendar

If the referrer is not displayed in the drop down list, click the arrow next to the drop down to refresh the list.

Set the Duration

Fill in the duration details as required for your specific referral.

4. Duration Details

Duration in months

The expiry dates can be calculated two ways:

  1. By default, once the first appointment is attached to the referral, the Referral Expiry Date is calculated.
  2. Checking Calculate Expiry on Referral Date box will calculate the expiry date from the Referral Date entered plus the Duration (Months).

  • A notification is displayed when adding an appointment within 30 days of the expiry date.
  • Referral expiry date is displayed in the Appointment information on the appointment book screen.
  • This can be used in conjunction with Duration (no of Visits) and both pieces of expiry information will be displayed on the appointment book screen.

Duration in visits

  • Quantity Remaining is displayed in the Appointment Edit screen.
  • Duration (No of Visits) and Quantity used can be displayed within the appointment information on the Appointment Book screen.
  • A notification is displayed when adding an appointment if there are no sessions available to be booked.
  • This can be used in conjunction with Duration (Months) and both pieces of expiry information will be displayed on the appointment book screen.


  • Checking Referral Indefinite disables to the two referral duration options.
  • Ref Indefinite is displayed in the Appointment information on the appointment book screen.

View the Expiry Details

5. Expiry details

This section displays the relevant expiry details for this referral. All information in the section is calculated.

  • Qty Used - will calculate the number of appointments using this referral. It will only trigger a notification if Duration (No of Visits) is entered.
  • Referral First Appointment Date - will display for all referral types.
  • Referral expiry date - will only display for referrals with Duration (Months) entered and will calculate based on if Calculate Expiry on Referral Date is ticked or not.

Record Reference Numbers

Enter in an identification number if required.

6. Reference numbers

Claim/Order No can be displayed on an Invoice if required.

Other Fields

  • Other HPs to copy referral to - Note any additional Health Practitioners to copy the referral to here. This can be merged into a Letter.
  • Notes - Add any Notes required here for this referral.
  • Referred by Client - If the Client has been referred by another Client, the referring Client's name can be entered into here.