You are accessing documentation for myPractice version 4.
Support for this version of myPractice has ended. This documentation is available for reference only.
Please contact our support team on 1300 401 111 about upgrading to the latest version of BpAllied.
View the latest (V7) documentation here.
Version 4

Consultations - Right Click Menu

Consultations - Right Click Menu


1. Undo
Allows the last action to be undone.

Cut, Copy, & Paste

2. Cut, Copy, & Paste
Select text and use the Cut, Copy, Paste and Delete functions as usual.

Select All

3. Select All
Selects all text in the field

Insert Timestamp

4. Insert Timestamp
Inserts a date and time stamp into the text field. Very useful if information is being entered before or after the consultation date.
The format of the Timestamp is set up in System > Options > Client Details.

Insert Snippet

5. Insert Snippet
Insert commonly used text into the consultation field. See how to add one here.
The snippets are set-up in Data Maintenance > Snippets

Check Spelling

6. Check Spelling
Click to check the spelling in the selected field.