You are accessing documentation for myPractice version 4.
Support for this version of myPractice has ended. This documentation is available for reference only.
Please contact our support team on 1300 401 111 about upgrading to the latest version of BpAllied.
View the latest (V7) documentation here.
Version 4

Adding Credit to an Account

In the Invoices module
Click on New Payment.
The Payment Method dialog box displays
Enter the amount to Credit into Payment Amount
Select the payment method.
If you are adding the credit to the account and there are no invoices to be paid you will receive the message below. 
Click Ok to continue
If you are adding the credit to an account as well as paying an invoice
The Invoice Selector will display
Select the invoice
Click OK.
Because you will be adding credit to the account initially you will receive a warning that your invoice doesn't balance.
Enter the amount of credit you are adding to the account into the Credit field.  This should now balance with the payment amount.
Click Save
The account will now show a positive balance.