Below is an explaination of each icon you may see within the appointment book.
 SMS Reminder Required
Shows when an SMS is required to be sent.
A tick will display over this icon once the message has been sent.
 Email Reminder Required
Shows when an Email Reminder is required to be sent.
A tick will display over this icon once the email has been sent.
 Phone Reminder Required
Shows when a Phone Reminder is required.
Once the phone call has been made, double click the appointment to open the Edit Appointment form.
Tick Called
A tick will then display over this icon.
 Letter Reminder Required
Shows when a Confirmation Letter is required.
Once the letter has been sent, double click the appointment to open the Edit Appointment form.
Tick Confirmation Letter printed
A tick will then display over this icon.
 Client Arrived
Shows that the client has arrived.
This displays when Client Arrived is selected in the Appointment Right Click menu.
 Time, Client Name & Consultation Reason
Displays the time, client name and the Consultation Type selected for the appointment.
 Primary Phone Number
The clients Primary Phone Number displays if this option is selected in System > Options > Appointment Book.
 Referral Count
Displays the appointment number and the quantity of appointments remaining of the referral attached to the appointment.
You can enter referral details within Client Details > Referrals
Once entered then open the Edit Appointment screen and select the relevant Referral from the list so that the appointment is counted in the referral count.
 If there is no Referral entered into the Referral field within the appointment then this value will not display on the appointment screen, regardless, of whether the client has a current referral.
 Appointment Notes
Notes can be added to an appointment
These display if this option is selected in System > Options > Appointment Book.
Having Notes display may slow the loading time of your appointment book upon startup. If your screen size is too small or you have many calendars to display the notes will not display.
 Balance Owing Icon
This icon will display if the client has an ountstanding balance in their account.
The balance owing is also displayed.
 Balance Owing Amount
This will display if this option is selected in System > Options > Appointment Book.