Adding a Referral within Client Details
The information captured in Bp Allied about a referral is entirely upto the business entering in the information. However, if the referral information is to be included in an Invoice then it would seem prudent to capture the Referrer, Referral Date and the Referrers Provider Number.

 Client Details tabs
The Client Details tabs.
The Referrals tab is selected to enable entry of a Referral.
 Add a referral
Click + to add a new Referral
 Current Referral tick box
Current Referral is ticked by default. Because a client can have multiple referrals it is necessary to identify the current one.
If the Current Referral tickbox is ticked then this referral is automatically added to an Appointment when it is created.
Untick the Current Referral tickbox on all previous referrals.
 Referral Details
Select Referral Reason and Referrer from the drop down list
If the appropriate reason or referrer are not in the list then these can be entered in via System > Data Maintenance > Referral Reason or Referrers.
Enter in any additional details required
Enter in the Referral Date or select the drop down arrow and choose the date from the calendar
 If the referrer is not displayed in the drop down list click the  arrow next to the drop down to refresh the list.
 Duration Details
Enter in Duration (Months) and/or Duration (No of Visits)
Quantity Remaining and Quantity Used are both calculated fields based on the appointments created with the referral attached
Duration (No of Visits) and Quantity used can be displayed within the appointment information on the Appointment Book Screen
 Identification numbers
Enter in an identification number if required
Claim / Order No can be displayed on an Invoice if required
 Save the Referral
Click the tick to Save the Referral
 Delete a Referral
Click the - to delete the selected referral e.g. If the record says 1 or 6 then record 1 will be deleted.
 Customise the view
Click on the layout images to change the way the cards are displayed.
Cards are always displayed with the most recent card first.
Click on the Spanner to customise the fields that are displayed within the Referral entry form.
 The options in here have been disabled.
To add another field click on it in the Hidden Items list and drag it into the card template.
To remove a field from display click and drag it into the hidden items list
Right click on a field to display the options list.
Hide Customization form
Best Fit
Size Constraints
Hide Text
Text Position
Hide Item
Create Tabbed Group
Add Empty Space Item
Closes the customisation form
Sets the field sizes
Choose to change the field name
Positions text within the text label
Removes the item from the List and moves it to the Hidden Items list.
Creates a Group
Creates a group with tabs
Missing from this screen shot
Other HP's to copy referral to - Note any additional Health Practitioners to copy the referral to here. This can be merged into a Letter
Notes - Add any Notes required here
Referred by Client - If the Client has been referred by another Client the referring Clients name can be entered into here.