Appointment Book
Click this button to open the appointment book.
The Appointment book will display on screen and reflect the layout choices made, e.g. work week displayed.
 New Appointment
 Practitioner Availability
 Export to Outlook
Click this button to export your appointments from Bp Allied to your Outlook Calendar. Please note that synching is one way only and you cannot synchronise your appointments from Outlook back into Bp Allied. You can set up the Outlook Calendar you wish to use within System > Options > Outlook Options.
 Export to iCal/Google
Click this button to export your appointments from Bp Allied to your Google Calendar. Your appointments can then be sychronised from Google to iCal. Please note that synching is one way only and you cannot synchronise your appointments from Google or iCal back into Bp Allied. You can set up the Google Calendar you wish to use within System > Options > Google Calendar
 Show Cancelled
Allows the display of cancelled appointments if selected. To learn how to cancel an appointment click here. Cancelled appointments are displayed with a red background by default but this can be changed in the Appointment Book options.
 Find Free Time button