Finding a Practitioners free timeslots
The Find Free Time form is used to find the next available appointment time(s) for a partiulcar practitioner or for all practitioners.
Click on the Find Free Time button
The Free Time form will display.
Select the Practitioner you wish to find the available time for, or select (Any) to search for the available time for all Practitioners.
Select the Location for which the appointment is to be made.
This defaults to the location currently selected in the Status Bar
 Date Selector
Select the date date range for which the appointment is required by either
Using the drop down arrows to select the date from the calendar displayed
Typing in the date required
 Appointment Duration Required
Choose the duration of the appointment by clicking on the radio button
Choose Other if the duration required is not listed
 Other Duration Selector
This field is enabled when the Other Duration radio button option is selected
Use the drop arrows to change the value to the required Duration
this field increments in 10 minute intervals
Type in the Duration required
 Find free time button
Click Find free time to see a list of available times within the Results Window below (based on the options selected above)
 Results Window
The Results Window lists all appointments available during the date range selected for the duration selected.
The results are grouped by Date as the Date field is displayed in the Group By box
Click on the + to expand the results for a specific date
See the Reports section for more information on Grouping and Filtering results.
 Create Appointment button
Click the Create Appointment Button to create a new appointment within this time slot.
 Cancel button
Click Cancel if you do not wish to proceed with making an appointment.