Results Grid
This displays the payment information:
Payment No - links to the payment. Click on the link to view the payment in the invoices module
Payment Date - Date of the payment
Invoice No - Related invoice. If the payment includes payments for multiple invoices then this field will be blank. The related invoices will need to be retrieved from the Payment directly.
Client - The Client on the related invoice. If the Invoice is for a Thrid Party then that name will be displayed.
Practitioner - The Practitioner on the related Invoice. If the Invoice includes items for multiple clients then this field will be displayed as <N\A>. The related practitioner names will need to be retrieved from the related Appointment.
Payment Method - How the payment was received
Paid Amount - How much the payment was for
Banked - Whether the payment has been banked - really used for Cash and Cheques.
Banked On - The date banked
The red lines are Refunds and the amounts are shown as negative amounts.
Grouping by Payment Method - show totals by Payment Method and could be used to reconcile with Eftpos machine totals or to isolate Cash received for reconciling for banking.
Grouping by Practitioner - shows the total payments per practitioner (except for any Payments for multiple Invoices, or Invoices for mulitple clients)