Creating a relationship between two people in the genogram
The relationship between two people in the genogram can be created at the time the new person is added or it can be added afterwards. The details of how to create the relationship after adding the person is explained below.
To add a relationship
Select the new family member created
Click on the Add a new person as button .... under Create Relationship
Click on the drop down arrow
Select Connect Family Member
The Connect Family form displays
 New family member
The new family member's name
 Specify relationship
Choose the relationship to be specified. In this example Patricia is Jenny's daughter. So, choose daughter from the drop dowm list.
 Filter people
If there are a lot of people in the list to choose from then use the Filter field to filter by name
 Choose person to connect
Select the person to relate to.
Click Add to add the relationship
The relationship is displayed in the Genogram
Click Cancel to cancel any changes.
Allows the deletion of a Family member by selecting them and the clicking Delete