Any fields not required for the particular claim being lodged will be greyed out.
 Service Type
Service Type Indicates the type of service that makes up the claim. All ItemNumbers within the claim must be consistent with the Service Type selected.
P: Pathology services
S: Specialist
O: General
F: Community Nursing
G: Dental
L: Optical
I: Speech Pathology
J: Allied
K: Psych
 Account Paid
Account Paid indicates whether or not an account has been paid in full.
This is required to be ticked for a Patient Claim to be made successfully
 Date & Time of Lodgement
Date of Lodgement is the date of lodgement of the claim. Note: Should be the computer system date when the claim was created.
Time of Lodgement is the time of lodgement for the claim.
Other fields not relevant to Allied Health:
Certified Indicator Indicates the provider has certified the services within the claim have been provided. Must be Y to submit the claim.
Hospital Indicator Indicates if service rendered in hospital or not. Note: if not set assumed the service was not rendered in hospital.
Admission Date The date the patient was admitted to hospital, nursing service
Discharge Date The date the patient was discharged from hospital.