Any fields not required for the particular claim being lodged will be greyed out.
 Patient Names
Family Name - As per the Medicare Card. Maximum of 40 characters long
First Name - Where a patient has only one name, that name should appear in the Family Name field and the word "Onlyname" be entered in the First Name field. Maximum of 40 characters long
 Date of Birth and Gender
The options for Gender are:
1: Male
2: Female
3: Indeterminate
9: Unknown or inadequately described
M: Male
F: Female
 Medicare Details
Medicare Number - this is the patients Medicare Card Number. Maximum of 10 characters maximum.
Medicare Ref No. - this is the patients Medicare Reference Number. This number appears to the left of the patients name on their Medicare card. It is one (1) character and can not be a zero (0)
Alias First Name - Is the patient's First Name as known to the Provider for DVA if different to that known by Medicare (or DVA). Maximum of 40 characters long
Alias Family Name - Is the patient's Family Name as known to the Provider for DVA if different to that known by Medicare (or DVA). Maximum of 40 characters long
 Lodge Claim
To enable the Lodge Claim button to be enabled the user must type CONFIRM
This is a requirement to have the claim be lodged akin to having to sign it. It is a way of acknowledging that this claim has been purposely put through. This can be done on any of the claim screens.