
Setting |
Is editable in Options*
Definition |
Location saved in the registry***
ABN or Australian Business Number
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Auto-Close 3rd Party Invoices
To be removed
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Display Invoice watermark
Watermark that displays behind the invoice detail
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GST Rate
Amount of GST applicable for that country - 10% Australia, 15% New Zealand. Saved in DBOptions table in database.
DBOptions table
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Invoice template Location**
Location of the Invoice Templates. This is usually C:\Users\Public\Documents\myPractice\Invoice Templates.
| |
Payment Receipt Orientation - landscape
Orientation of the receipt paper - Landscape = True (option ticked); Portrait = False (option unticked)
Payment template
Location of the Payment Templates. This is usually C:\Users\Public\Documents\myPractice\Invoice Templates
| |
Practice Logo File
Location of the practice logo file
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Show Deleted/Voided Transactions
Editable in the Invoice toolbar.
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Show Client ID in 3rd party Invoices
Use the ClientID in the Invoice Item list instead of the Client name
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Show Invoice ItemID in Dropdowns
Show the Invoice Item ID when selecting a product or service, e.g. in the Edit Appointment screen. Useful if there are a large quantity of items.
Standard Invoice Template
The default invoice for a standard Client Invoice
Saved in HKCU when entered via BpAllied Options > Invoices.
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Statement Location ID
The default location address to be put on the statement
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Statement Template
The default template for a statement
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Third party Invoice temaple
The default invoice for Third Party invoice
Saved in HKCU when entered via BpAllied Options > Invoices.
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Watermark text
Text used in the Watermark. Ignored if the Display Invoice Watermark option is set to false.
* Some settings that are stored in MPSettings are editable from System > Options in the Bp Allied User Interface.
** The locations given are for the standard Bp Allied setup for Windows 7 and 8 computers. For Windows Vista and XP replace C:\Users\Public with C:\Documents and Settings\All Users and the rest of the path is usually the same. Please note that some Practices may have a setup that differs from this.
*** Most items can be saved in either location in the registry, and hence the field has been left blank but depends on the logged in users access. The location has been specified where there is a required location for this information. Note the caveat for using the various registry options below.
HKCU = HKey Current User - any user logged onto the computer can update these fields for their own computer profile ONLY. If another person logs into the computer, they will not see these settings.
HKLM = HKey Local Machine - the user requires Administrative rights to update these fields. These are usually set when the application is installed (but not always).